5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

As a student, we all know the #BrokeStudentLife hashtag, especially when our friends jio us to things. Yet, you do see a minority of friends who manage to squeeze a getaway every semester break. How?!

Well, here’s five tested and proven strategies!

1. Decide Your Priorities

priorities - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Source: Blavity

List down your priorities when planning a trip. Know why you want to go to Penang with friends, and decide if it’s for relaxation or food hunting. Once you’ve got a clear vision in mind, your actions (and budget) should align.

Your priorities can be any of the following:

  • Food hunting
  • Relaxation/Leisure
  • Friendship bonding
  • Visiting specific locations
  • Experiencing a new culture

Having a good idea of what you want makes it less likely for you to splurge on the unnecessary.

2. Research Kaw Kaw

research - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Even Sherlock says so. | Source: Millions of Thumbprints

Google! The only way to budget effectively is to find out how much your trip is going to cost you. There are several online travel budgeting calculators that help you plan your expenses so that you can be the most cost efficient traveller.

Check out Prepared For Travel and Independent Traveler.

Another good tip is to Google specifically “[Country name] + Budget/Cheap” and see what shows up!

3. Save Up Beforehand

save - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Every penny counts! | Source: Young & Free Royal

Now that you have a budget in mind, it’s time to start saving up! Take the public transport, cook your own meals and go clubbing less often. You might also want to consider getting a part time job. It’s better to work harder now than to miss out the fun after when you finally get to your desired destination.

Also read: 6 Reasons Why Malaysians Millennials Should Take Care Of Their Finances Early

4. Go Somewhere Where You Know Locals

psychos - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Source: Tumblr

Try visiting a place where you know a local friend for your next trip! Better yet if that local friend is extra generous to provide lodging. You’ll not only save up but gain a lot of cultural experiences! Like what they say, the best way to travel is to travel like a local.

5. Travel Off Season

mickey - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Source: The Prospect

There’s no better time to travel than when everyone else is either still in school or hard at work. This is the time you don’t have to queue for hours at theme parks, crowd around beaches or pay ridiculous prices for flight tickets.

You’d be surprised how purchasing flight tickets during non-peak seasons can save you up to a few hundred ringgit!

There you have it, five ways to save money while looking good and chillin’ at the Bahamas.

Whether you’re a student or a fresh graduate, you will have to face making some important financial decisions. This online game will educate you about financial management. Join now to stand a chance to win a grand prize of RM 5,000 as well as weekly prizes. Good luck!

As a student, we all know the #BrokeStudentLife hashtag, especially when our friends jio us to things. Yet, you do see a minority of friends who manage to squeeze a getaway every semester break. How?!

Well, here’s five tested and proven strategies!

1. Decide Your Priorities

priorities - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Source: Blavity

List down your priorities when planning a trip. Know why you want to go to Penang with friends, and decide if it’s for relaxation or food hunting. Once you’ve got a clear vision in mind, your actions (and budget) should align.

Your priorities can be any of the following:

  • Food hunting
  • Relaxation/Leisure
  • Friendship bonding
  • Visiting specific locations
  • Experiencing a new culture

Having a good idea of what you want makes it less likely for you to splurge on the unnecessary.

2. Research Kaw Kaw

research - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Even Sherlock says so. | Source: Millions of Thumbprints

Google! The only way to budget effectively is to find out how much your trip is going to cost you. There are several online travel budgeting calculators that help you plan your expenses so that you can be the most cost efficient traveller.

Check out Prepared For Travel and Independent Traveler.

Another good tip is to Google specifically “[Country name] + Budget/Cheap” and see what shows up!

3. Save Up Beforehand

save - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Every penny counts! | Source: Young & Free Royal

Now that you have a budget in mind, it’s time to start saving up! Take the public transport, cook your own meals and go clubbing less often. You might also want to consider getting a part time job. It’s better to work harder now than to miss out the fun after when you finally get to your desired destination.

Also read: 6 Reasons Why Malaysians Millennials Should Take Care Of Their Finances Early

4. Go Somewhere Where You Know Locals

psychos - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Source: Tumblr

Try visiting a place where you know a local friend for your next trip! Better yet if that local friend is extra generous to provide lodging. You’ll not only save up but gain a lot of cultural experiences! Like what they say, the best way to travel is to travel like a local.

5. Travel Off Season

mickey - 5 Guaranteed Ways Every Student Can Go For That Vacation

Source: The Prospect

There’s no better time to travel than when everyone else is either still in school or hard at work. This is the time you don’t have to queue for hours at theme parks, crowd around beaches or pay ridiculous prices for flight tickets.

You’d be surprised how purchasing flight tickets during non-peak seasons can save you up to a few hundred ringgit!

There you have it, five ways to save money while looking good and chillin’ at the Bahamas.

Whether you’re a student or a fresh graduate, you will have to face making some important financial decisions. This online game will educate you about financial management. Join now to stand a chance to win a grand prize of RM 5,000 as well as weekly prizes. Good luck!