MH370 Found Remains Not Confirmed

mh 660x420 - MH370 Found Remains Not Confirmed

MH370 Story

Today we wake to the news that the MH370 flight, after 515 days of search.

After a year of speculation, the debris found on Reunion Island in the South Indian Ocean, is confirmed to be part of MH370.

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak confirmed on his Twitter account that the debris belongs to the missing flight of MH370.

mh370 - MH370 Found Remains Not Confirmed

He confirmed the information at 2:02 am, Malaysia time today. This ended suspicions about the wreckage found over the past week

Not confirmed!

While the Malaysian government have confirmed, French Deputy Prosecutor Serge Mackowiak said the “very strong conjectures” that the wing part was from Flight 370 still needed to be “confirmed by complementary analysis” that would begin later today.

It is unclear whether the mix-up was a result of miscommunication between the two countries, or whether Malaysian officials were overeager to send out some definitive signal for relatives of the missing

debris - MH370 Found Remains Not Confirmed

Source: CNN

The French authorities have been taken charge of the ongoing investigations in search for the plane.

Officials have been investigating wreckage that was found on the shores of La Reunion, a French Island in the Indian Ocean. The debris was washed ashore on the Jamaique beach in Saint Dennis.

The wreckage was found to be the porthole frame of the plane. Despite being small, the components were sufficient to identify the plane’s origins. It was sent to the Toulouse in France for investigation.

A year after the missing of the flight MH370, the Malaysian citizens are still concerned with finding out what happened to those loved ones that were on the plane.

I feel grateful that the search continues, and that we have not forgotten the tragic incident, while flight MH370 and all the victims will stay in our heart.

I hope that the search continues to find every single part the plane that is missing, so that not only the investigation, but the Malaysian public as well, can have closure.

A part of the plane sure isn’t enough to bring closure to the family members and civilians who await for conclusions on the missing plane and bodies.