How To Play 13 Malaysian ’90s Childhood Games (PHOTOS)

Who else thinks that the 90’s was hands down the best time to grow up? Well, we certainly do—the 21st century does not even come close! Without the temptation of smart devices, along with limited resources, we became masters of creativity to achieve a mutual goal—maximum entertainment with a minimum budget.advertisement Just for old time’s sake, here… Continue reading How To Play 13 Malaysian ’90s Childhood Games (PHOTOS)

Categorized as Designs

They Asked Malaysians to Racially Discriminate Each Other, Watch What Happened

Racial Discrimination This is an entry by Advertising Agency Naga DDB for a Merdeka Day advertisement pitch and boy, we still could not wrap around why the client didn’t pick this video. It was a perfect Malaysians-themed video. The premise was this: People of different races and ages were asked to come in to “audition” for a short… Continue reading They Asked Malaysians to Racially Discriminate Each Other, Watch What Happened

Categorized as Bridge

9 Reasons Why The Sultan Of Brunei Is A Badass

Okay I know, you must be complaining that I’ve been on a frenzy about royalties lately. But if you have better suggestions, please beam them to the Facebook page, would love to hear what/who you all awesome folks think deserves the next crowning as an official badass.advertisement Meanwhile, we have been seeing this big guy… Continue reading 9 Reasons Why The Sultan Of Brunei Is A Badass

16 Lessons How I Met Your Mother Taught Us

#Trending, World 16 Lessons How I Met Your Mother Taught Us Ezzie  9 Months Ago  No Comments PREV ARTICLENEXT ARTICLE  (Disclaimer: This post contains major spoilers.) All nine seasons of How I Met Your Mother aren’t just about laughing and crying with the main characters as Ted Mosby recounts how he ends up with the mother of his children.… Continue reading 16 Lessons How I Met Your Mother Taught Us

11 Reasons Why The Crown Prince Of Johor Is A TOTAL BADASS

Badasses do not come by every day. Throwing a rock out the window, you’re more likely to hit a datuksomething else a hundred times before you finally find somebody who can be nominated to be in the badass series (Yes, that’s how strict we are). A badass has to be selfless, have great integrity and have… Continue reading 11 Reasons Why The Crown Prince Of Johor Is A TOTAL BADASS

Malaysian MPs To Get Pay Raise Next Year

Guess who’s getting a bigger paycheck next year? Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim, Malaysia’s Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (man, what a mouthful) has hinted today that Malaysian Members of Parliament (MPs) are slated to get a pay rise. The wage hike, which is “long overdue” according to Datuk Seri Shahidan, will be announced by Malaysian… Continue reading Malaysian MPs To Get Pay Raise Next Year