How Much Internet Data Do I Need?

Time internet plan from Jom Apply Malaysia

While more internet providers are offering unlimited data plans, many still do. A data cap is a monthly limit on data usage. It’s critical to understand your data usage in order to select the best plan for your needs.

What you do online will determine how much data you consume. A large gamer or streamer uses a lot more data than someone who merely surfs the web and emails.

How much data is streamed?

Streaming, whether of shows, movies, or music, can consume a lot of data. Streaming video sites like Netflix use roughly 3 GB of data each hour. Streaming TV and movies in SD uses roughly 1 GB of data each hour. It uses much less data than streaming movies on apps like Spotify or Apple Music. The average Spotify user uses 1 GB per week.

What data does gaming use?

If you play a lot of online games, you use a lot of data. A game like Fortnite needs roughly 1 GB to play 42 rounds. One software update patch might be 1-3 GB in size. When buying a digital game, you must download the complete game, which consumes a lot of bandwidth. For example, Star Wars Battlefront requires around 27 GB of data to download. See our online gaming article for more on data usage and gaming.

Can I send emails and browse on my phone?

You won’t need a lot of data if you merely use the internet to check email and keep connected. 1,000 emails can be sent and/or received on 1 GB. You can surf the web for 20 hours on 1 GB.

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Tips to save data

Test your video and music streaming quality

Streaming HD movies on Netflix uses three times the data as SD. If you have Netflix’s top plan and stream in 4K, you’ll consume seven times the data that SD does. You can alter your streaming quality in your account settings.

On a laptop, navigate to the home screen and click the user icon in the top right corner. Then select Account. Select Playback Settings from the My Profile area at the bottom of the page. On this screen, you can choose your data consumption.

You can also modify the song streaming quality. These choices are available in your Spotify account settings. Remember that while streaming music uses less data than streaming video, having music playing in the background all day might build up. You can also download music in lower quality to save data.

To adjust the streaming quality of your music on Spotify, navigate to the home screen (bottom left). Click the gear in the upper left. Scroll down to music quality. Then choose the streaming quality you want from the selection.

Use free data

You may obtain extra data with your Time internet plan from Jom Apply Malaysia in several ways. If you reside in a rural area and only have access to satellite, you may have to contend with data restrictions. Check for data bonus zones with your satellite provider. This is when you can utilize data that doesn’t count towards your monthly data allowance. It’s free data. These periods are usually between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. due to low internet traffic. Make sure you know how much free data you can use during these hours.

In addition, some carriers provide extra or limitless data when you bundle the internet with TV and/or phone. Bundles often include discounts, free installation, and free equipment. Look for promotional offers that provide unlimited or cheap data.