To my dear sex enthusiastic, do you know that the only place where you can find all of the sex toys that you dreamed of is from the To any Malaysian who knows this knows that, selling any kind of explicit materials such as pornographic movies, posters why even porn sites are not allowed to be accessed and also to be own. If you fail in following the rules that is been set by the Malaysian Law of Section 292 (a) Of the Penal code says that convicted victim would be detained by the officials and whatever materials or asset associate to the treason will be seize by authority and if found guilty to this act the convicted person can be up to jail for 3 years.

So, is it okay to own a sex toys?
Well, the answer is, it’s not wrong that women own a dildo in Malaysia, it’s just that you can be convicted upon the penal code that was mentioned as before if they find any evidence related to the device you might have used. For example, filming yourself of mastrubating and posting it on illegal websites might end up putting you in the hot water. It is not wrong to mastrubate in Malaysia, it’s just that the law consider any act that is related to sexual content to be offensive or obscene.
But what can I do to own a sex toy in Malaysia?
Secret cherry is a place where you can get your item that you need. There are several online stores that sells sex toys such as female dildo, it’s just need some cautionary step when it comes to the package. It is better to be prepared than to be sorry.
Use it wisefully.
This statement is meant for general purposes only, we should always make sure to use it wisefully, and do not go hard on yourself. If you are still unsure of how to use it, try to do the research. Or you can start out slowly and adjust to your own comfort level. Always remember to be gentle on yourselves.

Do not share what toys you have.
This includes verbally and physically. It’s better to always keep your sex life personal even if its with your close friends. By doing that, you are able to reflect on what you like the most and which part you hate the most when it comes to sex. This is a bit of tricky topic, because some women’s are insecure about themselves on how they look or might be like while having a real sex. With this matter been highlighted, we should always remember one thing, everyone has a different kind of sexual experience in their own life, not everyone is going to be like others and so, it’s always good to shut down and experience it by yourself to know which works better for you. Secondly, do not share your sex toys with anyone. This is a matter of cleanliness. It’s always important to wash before and after performing masturbation or even oral sex to protect yourself from unwanted sexual transmitted disease.